1,000 Icons, Symbols, and Pictograms平面设计 素材

  • 1,000 Icons, Symbols, and Pictograms平面设计 素材
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:b5e8118aac9
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家沐森麟奢华美居城


(咨询特价)0 Icons, Symbols, and Pictograms平面设计 素材

| 433 pages | 100 Mb PDF格式 网传

Pictorial symbols are, in some respects, superior to words as a form of communication. If well-designed, they can be understood by people of all different cultures and can be recognized by children literally years before they learn to read. As a result, symbols are of the utmost importance to graphic designers and their ever-present challenge to create effective visual communication for their clients. This mini-collection of designs drawn from 1000 Icons, Symbols + Pictograms provides a catalog of ideas for designers to look to for inspiration
